Bruce Burton: This is what a post-racial society looks like
I'm not a violent person by nature. In fact, I once had a friend who described me to my face as a gentle giant. It was meant to be a compliment, but I'm not certain I should have taken it that way.That...
View ArticleAnother View: Conservatives have to learn how to inspire electorate
It wasn't long ago that conservatives thrilled to the size and quality of their choices for president. For Republicans, the bonanza of talent cued up to race for the nomination seemed unprecedented --...
View ArticleAnother View: Brown's State of the State starkly at odds with Trump's...
The contrast between Gov. Jerry Brown's State of the State speech Tuesday and President Donald Trump's inaugural address less than a week ago could not have been starker.That, in fact, seemed to be...
View ArticleThe immigration dilemma is focusing us to face real issues
In often needlessly harsh ways, President Donald Trump is forcing Americans to face issues that have been festering for decades, but effectively swept under the rug by the ruling party duopoly. Nowhere...
View ArticleJoel Kotkin: The true legacy of Gov. Jerry Brown
The cracks in the 50-year-old Oroville Dam, and the massive spillage and massive evacuations that followed, shed light on the true legacy of Jerry Brown. The governor, most recently in Newsweek, has...
View ArticleNational Perspective: Another great upheaval
The Congress is divided as seldom before. Donald J. Trump is remaking the profile of the presidency. The press is under attack. The notion of free speech on campus is under siege. By month's end,...
View ArticleIt's All Good: POTUS, try boring us; commercial pitch, all by sudden, hiring...
"Google it" >> I frequently suggest, and Kathy Brigham replies, "I often do. This time I was looking for the 'soul of wit' quote, which I rightly remembered as coming from Hamlet. But I'd...
View ArticleCalifornia Focus: Congress hit lists won't change much
The semi-annual hit lists are now out from both the Democratic and Republican parties as they joust over future control of the House of Representatives, which just might be up for grabs in 2018 because...
View ArticleAnother View: Like an oak tree, let free market fight climate change
A sure sign of spring in Woodland is a scrub jay carrying an acorn in its beak. Like many of our Woodland neighbors, I've had to yank countless oak sprouts over the years from flower beds, garden boxes...
View ArticleDan Walters: State's north-south rivalry could play out in 2018 race for...
One of California's most enduring conflicts is the one between San Francisco and Los Angeles for economic, cultural and, of course, political dominance.San Francisco was No.1 during the latter half of...
View ArticleDan Walters: Democrats' hopes for House takeover hinge on California, but it...
Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi wants to reclaim the House of Representatives and return to the speakership she held for the last two years of George W. Bush's presidency and the first two years of...
View ArticleLOCALLY LOST: Auburn, the nugget for everyone
One of the greatest things about Auburn - and much of California - is the accessibility of much to many. Located just a half hour northeast of Sacramento, the entire 30-mile network of hiking, biking,...
View ArticleFort Bragg: cooler than the pool
I'm very aware that this column primarily devotes itself to the hidden wonders of areas near Yolo County, and it will most assuredly continue to do so. But face it - sometimes we need to put our...
View ArticleDan Walters: Jerry Brown wins on cap-and-trade, but is it just symbolism?
Gov. Jerry Brown traveled two not always parallel paths to win legislative approval for extending California's cap-and-trade approach to shrinking its carbon emission footprint.Publicly, he depicted it...
View ArticlePoint your compass to Point Reyes
Point Reyes National Seashore has to be one of the few local beaches that combines coastal vibes with the faint aroma of cow dung - it's a good thing, among many others.If you haven't heard of it, the...
View ArticleClergy corner: There are rewards in a simple cup of cold water
Matthew 10:42, "whoever gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones in the name of a disciple - truly I tell you, none of these will lose their reward."There are around 150 people who...
View ArticleMarin County gets another smug reprieve from housing quotas
Four decades ago, writer Cyra McFadden perfectly captured the aura of self-absorbed entitlement that envelops Marin County, on the north side of the Golden Gate Bridge.Her 1976 satirical novel, "The...
View ArticleLocally Lost cyclist special: Annadel State Park
It might be 90 minutes away, but it's just what the doctor ordered: rigorous mountain biking in bearable temperatures.This past weekend afforded me an opportunity to visit Annadel State Park, the...
View ArticleLocally Lost: Shady Oaks makes up for Yolo's lack of disc golf
Based on a single day trip, Orangevale seems like a great place to do only two things: fix up a car or play disc golf.Don't point and snicker just yet - as far as disc golf is concerned, Yolo County...
View ArticleCenter Stage: 'My Fair Lady' highlights, shout-outs
There is still time to get tickets to the Woodland Opera House production of "My Fair Lady," which closes Aug. 27.As with Bernard Shaw's play "Pygmalion" from which it is adapted, "My Fair Lady"...
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